Monday, February 16, 2009

It's based on the fact; not the concept.

Babies are getting married. Nothing more frightening than tuning into the latest Facebook newsfeed scroll to see, "so-and-so is now MARRIED." And these aren't like, your friends aunt, that friended you that one time, your friend lost their cell phone for a week and they needed to get a hold of them, so they friended you because that loser was crashing on your couch for a month and only was available via contact, through borrowing YOUR computer and even started giving out YOUR cell hones number to people telling them "to just ask for me. NO it's no problem at all!"

So now, you log on to see the latest scandalamorous pictures that you were tagged in on your last night out and what should you see in your blurry, hungover state- but that one, bone-chilling word: MARRIED. Upon closer investigation it's usually a decision undertaken haphazardly by two of your dopey friends who thought it would be funny to be married with regards to the vast network of tubes, otherwise known as the interweb. But more and more often, it's becominga legitimate declaration of legally binding contracts with the state between "that weird couple from your high school."

Now some people may cal me a skeptic for being highly doubtful of the future security and success of these unions, I prefer, not blindingly ignorant. Don't get me wrong, I really do believe in marriage- how else are you going to get someone to stay with you when the wrinkles set in and all your good parts start to lose their flare? Answer: legal contract. But these people tying the knot now, are not even old enough to have a glass of champagne at their wedding receptions without serious risk of reciprocity.

Why not wait? I can't help but think of all the opportunities and experiences these people are giving up. I don't think they're foolish or unintelligent, they're clearly just VERY in love. The problem with being VERY in love when your 20 years old, is just that, VERY in love at 20, most likely will not feel the same as being 25 and never having dated another human being seriously EVER, or hell, even known who you are without this other person to define you.

If this doesn't end up being very coherent, I apologize. I am basically functioning on shots of espresso, Black currant "Lemsip" and am at the moment, filled with a pretty gargantuan dose of tranquilizers (cocktail of seroquel, lunesta and xanex to be exact) so my thoughts and hand-eye coordination may not be their sharpest. "She says she loves me, but the Valium rattles so I don't trust her."

I'm REALLY starting to enjoy London. It took about a month for me to really feel at home and comfortable here, but now, I am finally taking advantage of all the great things this city has to offer. A live music freak such as myself, is in heaven with all the great shows that are constantly occuring throughout the central district. Simian Mobile Disco last thursday was INSANE. Sooooooo amazing. An the general ability to hang out in neat places, with interesting people, is just so refreshing compared to so many years of living just outside of major cities. Location, location, location.

This IS reading week at King's but lucky me, War Studies doesn't observe it, so I still have that class this week and therefore couldn't travel anywhere. Ah well, I also have two sizable papers due on the monday following so it's probably best I stayed and worked on those. I have a month to travel before exams after the 27th of March so I suppose I can hold back and take advantage of this lovely town.

Other than that, life's the standard drawl. Oscar's coming up. My picks: Fincher for best director, Milk for Best Picture. The rest is a wash. Don't think it will pan out that way (fucking slumdog millionaire) but a girl can dream.

Any of you that actually read this: WRITE ME. I love to hear about your lives, and I certainly have the time to keep up with all of your emails (if you EVER send them).



Thursday, February 5, 2009