Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cold as fire baby, hot as ice. If you've ever been to heaven this is TWICE AS NICE.

Love'n me some new Britney Spears right now. I know, I know, ew right? Wrong. True it's shameless dance-pop, but it's catchy and fun. And yes, the girl has no musical ability to speak of, but who needs it, when you've got the best producers and songwriters in the biz, makin your tunes for you.

New Hampshire: Kind of what I was expecting, though not necessarily hoping for. Clinton eked the win, which she desperately needed to still be a strong contender. Obama and Clinton are neck-and-neck going into South Carolina and that one's going to be tricky to predict. While Obama has obvious appeal to black voters in the South, he is viewed in many communities as almost traitorous in his assimilation to white America. Clinton on the other hand, could possibly ride the wave of admiration that many Black voters still hold for her husband. It'll all depend on which campaign has been more active in the state and getting their supporters to the poll on election day.
As for the Plutocrats, Mccain with the UPSET. Take that Romney, looks like all the money in the world can't buy you out of your crazy religion in the voters mind. Not that that is how I feel, but most Republicans apparently do. Thats quite a sock to the Romney camp as this was the first indicator of whether or not candidates could appeal to the slightly more liberal masses. Have to see if all that cash buys him any more popularity in Super Tuesday, chances are it will, but then he's going to have to split the take with Mr. 911 himself.

Enough about important stuff, what have I been watching on the boob tube you ask? Yes, of course you ask, you're reading my blog aren't you? So don't pretend like you don't care. Or do, it makes no difference to me really.

There Will Be Blood:
I'm saying Oscar for Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis in this flick. Liked it. I really did. Paul Thomas Anderson (Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love, both good) delivers a relatively interesting story through a stunning look through the lens. Great looking film. If you're a born-again/evangelical, go ahead and pass on this one, unless you want to be shocked and horrified. Anderson does not look kindly on the kind of healer/preachers that inhabit that church.
Should you see it? If you have a lot of patience. I would say about 30-45 minutes too long, and if you can't take slow plots before then, don't aste your time and energy. In addition to that wasted time at the end of the film, Lewis's performance becomes so animated, he verges on ridiculous in the final sequences.

Get a Life (TV Series) (1990)
Not gonna find this little gem at your local Blockbuster, hell, even legitimately, anywhere. Reason: The DVD's have yet to be released because they are tied up in court battling copyright issues with producers, and it doesn't look like they will be working things out anytime soon. If you didn't catch this masterpiece when it was on air (if you're my friend chances are you were under 5 years old, so you're forgiven) and manage to get a hold of any of the episodes, check it out! Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. Get past the annoying early 90's style laugh track piped in over every one-liner and you're in for a treat. Chris Elliot stars as a 30 year old paper boy who still lives with his parents, and the crazy shenanigans he gets into.

My parents just got rid of their land line at the house. What is the world coming too? Oh, don't worry, they didn't get of our phones, they just got this crazy blue tooth enabled transmitter that allows the cordless phone to answer for their cells when they are within range (10 feet or so) from the box. Weird man. I don't like it.

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