Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why I'll never amount to anything. An essay.

I'm getting a liberal arts degree, because, like most of my fellow peers- i'm talentless and even more importantly, indecisive. I'm functionally good at a couple of things (none of which would actually translate into careers with any amount of fiduciary security), and expertly good at NOTHING. That's right folks, I'm a big waste of space as far as contributing anything original, or important to society. The only solace I can gleen from this, somewhat abysmal realization is the fact that, having a job, and participating in commerce at various levels, means I am at the very least, not a DRAIN on the economy- I just don't ADD anything to it.

I'm a non-entity. The human equivalence of iceberg lettuce. Filler.

To a certain extent there's a sort of freedom that goes along with being entirely 'without'. If you aren't extremely talented or influential, you're allowed to skate through your day unhampered by high expectations. If the people around you know you're worthless, they eventually stop attempting to get you to do anything at all really.

Human Stagflation. The world keeps expanding, possibilities, opportunites, grow exponentially, and the only response this sorry sack can make to it, is to do exactly what she's been doing for 20 years, continue to be unremarkable in every facet of existence.

If you know me at all, you know I'm not about this emo- self pittying bullshit. This isn't a cry for help, or even a whine really. I'ts just fact. Besides, I think it's almost impossible to have strong feelings (including sadness) about neutrality. Ambivalence begets ambivalence...

or something...whatever.

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