Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We won. For once.
Not that there was really any doubt that was going to happen, going into the polls yesterday. But hell, it was a wash across the board. A Conservative colonic, long over-due.
It hasn't sunk it yet; the true magnitude of this election.
I've spent, literally, my entire life on the losing side. We were the underdogs, but more specifically, I was.
Growing up in a largely republican high school and being friends with the only kids in the school nerdy enough to discuss politics at 13, I had spent my youth vehemently defending my candidates and my views. At the time it was frustrating and tiresome to always have to be the only one standing on my side, but in retrospect, I am forever grateful to all those pre-teen douche bags. If they hadn't been such thick-headed, vocal morons, I never would have had to learn exactly why I believe in every issue that I support. It wasn't enough to just like a candidate, when you're the party of change, and difference,(the burden of proof, as to why to break from the status quo) rests on you.
So I stand here today, and sincerely thank you, White Bear High School. So here's to you, hate mongering, conservative motherfuckers; wherever you are- be it jail, working at the Subway on Hgwy. 61, giving your self liver-damage at (insert name of shitty rural public school here) or, hell, just hangin' around town, living with your parents and smoking copious amounts of weed you bought from that middle school punk who lives across the street. You know that kid: short, van sneakers, about a buck-ten, you guys were in the same youth group at your church? That one.
Yes, all of you. You may have made my 13 year-old self cry on numerous occasions, and lose a little bit of her faith in humanity, but ultimately, you made me, me.
But, underdog, no longer; it will be strange to adjust to being the power party, but I think i'll survive.
No more blame game now, no more easy outs. Now, if things fuck-up, we're going to be the ones taking the heat. So don't pussy out Dem's! I know, I know, it's what your best at- but your the one's all about change, so live it. For once. WE got you the office; YOU get us the credibility to keep it.
Oh! and PS. Franken losing by a a couple hundred votes means I got my noose ready for a certain MN voter who didn't do his civic duty...

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